Rooms 3, 4 & 12 have been working hard on our punctuation this term. This week we are working in our own class on speech marks.
Here are some main points of a writing lesson we did today about using speech marks correctly in our writing.
Why do we use speech marks?
- It breaks up the narrative.
- Makes our writing lively.
- It is useful to show more about characters.
- It is excellent for showing reactions to events and relationship between characters.
- It helps to tell the story from different views.
We remembered reading Baa Baa Smart Sheep by Mark & Rowan Sommerset. ( Here is a funny YouTube clip that gives a 'taste' of what the story is about, if you haven't seen it before). He uses speech marks inside speech bubbles which helps us remember how speech marks are used. We can use them instead of speech bubbles.
We talked about the 5 things we need to remember to do when using speech marks. These are:
To put speech marks around the words being said.
To open each new set of speech marks we need a capital letter.
"Hello, how are you?"
To punctuate the speech before we close it.
"Watch out!"
To start a new line for each new speaker.
"I think this makes the writing easier to read," said Max.
To say WHO said it.
"I agree," replied Anisa.
Then we watched a short video called Reverso. (scroll down till you find it).